CARF® is a registered trademark of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. is hosted and maintained by Accreditation Now, Inc. as a public resource for organizations interested in or looking to maintain CARF® accreditation. Accreditation Now, Inc. is not a partner or affiliated with CARF® in any way. If you are looking for please click here


Robert Rostron

Burlington Comprehensive Counseling, Mt Holly, New Jersey

...signing on is one of the best computer hosted things we've ever done. The documents are great and my employees are quite impressed with the employee survey and trainings. The site is so easy to use and negotiate. Thanks!

Mona Sumner

Addictions Consulting Group, Billings, Montana

Accreditation Now is a huge resource! As consultants to programs seeking CARF accreditation, we find it to be an invaluable source of up to the minute policies and tips on the CARF standards. And for first timers in their initial accreditation process, the forms are just a great educational tool and starting point. No question about it, Accreditation Now has made our lives a lot simpler!

Florence Scott

Roxbury Multi-Service Center, Dorchester, Massachusetts

The Accreditation Now site is awesome! Having the ability to access everything you need to obtain the CARF Accreditation at your fingertips has saved us a lot of time and eliminated much of the guess work. Love the pre-written sample policies and procedures. We are so happy to have found this site and will let you know the outcome of our survey.

Monica Lewis & Kimberlyne Roundtree

The Solace Group, Charlotte, NC

Over the past several years, The Solace Group has assisted several companies with obtaining national accreditation and we have suggested that they subscribe to Accreditation Now. Accreditation Now helps companies move to a seamless administrative system. The strength of a company begins with a strong foundation of policies and procedures and Accreditation Now offers the necessary tools for one to build upon.