CARF® is a registered trademark of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. is hosted and maintained by Accreditation Now, Inc. as a public resource for organizations interested in or looking to maintain CARF® accreditation. Accreditation Now, Inc. is not a partner or affiliated with CARF® in any way. If you are looking for please click here

Improve Your Levels of Service with CARF® Accreditation

Throughout the CARF® Accreditation process, organizations are required to demonstrate the quality of the services they provide and accurately display the standards they have put in place. Not only will this fulfill the requirements needed to obtain accreditation, but it will also provide assurance to any persons seeking assistance that they are partnering with the best provider possible. In this article, we will examine how CARF® Accreditation can improve your organization’s levels of service and explain why they are important.

Obtaining CARF® Accreditation can be a lengthy process that requires organizations to look internally for any areas of improvement they may have. By undergoing the CARF® Accreditation process, organizations are demonstrating their dedication to providing the best service possible by conforming to internationally accepted standards and improving their communication with persons they are responsible for serving. These standards can help improve your levels of service by focusing on the persons-served and meeting their individual needs through an integrated and individualized service approach.

While it can be hard to look internally at your employees and processes, it is critical for success during a CARF® Accreditation survey. Because accreditation is considered an all-or-nothing experience, you have to be sure that you are providing the highest level of service possible while accurately adhering to proper documentation standards. By conforming to CARF® Accreditation standards, your organization and its employees can provide the levels of service that your persons served expect and deserve while investing in management techniques that improve efficiency and remain cost-effective. Simply by refining your processes to obtain CARF® Accreditation, you will be able to improve your levels of service.

If you are struggling to understand what is required for CARF® Accreditation, partnering with a subscription-based service may help. Accreditation Now, Inc. can help your organization become compliant with CARF® Accreditation standards through employee-based pieces of training and document templates developed to conform to CARF® standards. For more information about how Accreditation Now, Inc can help you obtain or maintain CARF® Accreditation, please visit their website to gain access to resources and tools that are unavailable anywhere else.

This content provided byAccreditation Now, Inc.