CARF® is a registered trademark of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. is hosted and maintained by Accreditation Now, Inc. as a public resource for organizations interested in or looking to maintain CARF® accreditation. Accreditation Now, Inc. is not a partner or affiliated with CARF® in any way. If you are looking for please click here

Understanding Quality Standards for CARF® Accreditation

As a comprehensive set of rules that span across many different areas, understanding the quality standards provided by the CARF® manual is essential for obtaining or maintaining CARF® Accreditation. Armed with this knowledge, organizations have the opportunity to not only improve service outcomes but also to enhance the satisfaction of persons served. In this article, we will look at some of the resources that can help you understand the quality standards for CARF® Accreditation.

Review a CARF® Standards Manual

Because the goals of each service area may be unique, CARF® has created quality standards manuals for a variety of provider types including Behavioral Health, Employment and Community Services, Aging Services, Opioid Treatment Programs and many more. Each manual, depending on the services you provide, will function as an all-in-one resource to ensure you understand exactly what is expected during the accreditation survey and will allow you to pinpoint problems that may need to be corrected prior to a survey.

CARF® updates their standards manuals annually to accommodate the rapid changes in the health and human services industry. To ensure relevancy, all quality standards provided by a CARF® manual are developed through the input of field experts, service providers, persons served and payers. This allows the standards to accurately meet the needs of the industry that the accreditation is for while providing a roadmap for continued success and cohesion among all organizations that have received or hope to receive CARF® Accreditation.


Fine Tune Your Processes

Once you have overlooked the quality standards provided in the manual, you will need to begin fine-tuning your processes to meet them. While some of these adjustments may be easy, there’s a chance that you will need access to additional resources to accurately meet the quality standards you have been given. To help achieve this, a subscription-based service like Accreditation Now, Inc. provides organizations with resources and tools to simplify the transition.

By partnering with Accreditation Now, Inc., organizations have the ability to meet several key quality standards easily through the implementation of CARF® approved templates, grievance reporting and client satisfaction reports. This ensures you have the documentation you need to obtain or maintain accreditation with just a few clicks. For more information on these services and how they can benefit your pursuit of CARF® Accreditation, visit the official Accreditation Now, Inc. website.

This content provided by: Accreditation Now, Inc.