CARF® is a registered trademark of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. is hosted and maintained by Accreditation Now, Inc. as a public resource for organizations interested in or looking to maintain CARF® accreditation. Accreditation Now, Inc. is not a partner or affiliated with CARF® in any way. If you are looking for please click here

TJC or ACHC Accreditation

TJC or ACHC Accreditation
February 28, 2019
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  • #494


    My organization is looking for resources to become accredited through TJC or ACHC instead of CARF. I noticed that Accreditation Now! provides resources for organizations that are seeking CARF Accreditation; however, I was curious to know if these resources would be relevant for businesses that are seeking TJC or ACHC Accreditation as well. Any information that is available would be appreciated to help us determine how to get started!

    Kim DeGeer

    Thank you for your inquiry. Although the Accreditation Now website is designed, specifically, to meet CARF accreditation standards, it is also the most complete and cost effective means of obtaining and maintaining other types of accreditation. The overall purpose of accreditation is performance improvement. Collecting, measuring and analyzing organizational data is the key to improvement planning, regardless of the accrediting body. The website is designed to provide a solid framework while also allowing a high degree of customization, perfect for TJC, ACHC, COA, NCQA, etc. In addition, the policy and procedure templates can easily be adapted to any type of accreditation, saving thousands of hours for newly accrediting organizations.

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