CARF® is a registered trademark of the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities. is hosted and maintained by Accreditation Now, Inc. as a public resource for organizations interested in or looking to maintain CARF® accreditation. Accreditation Now, Inc. is not a partner or affiliated with CARF® in any way. If you are looking for please click here

Sample Question – Accreditation Cost

Sample Question – Accreditation Cost
February 4, 2019

Home Forum General CARF Accreditation Information and Questions Sample Question – Accreditation Cost

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  • #468
    Kim DeGeer

    Hello, can you please provide me with more information on how the costs associated with Accreditation Now can help my business obtain CARF certification? What is included in the associated fee to prepare my business?

    Kim DeGeer

    You will need to contact CARF directly for pricing information. In general, there is a fixed fee plus, dependent on the size of your organization. CARF will determine how many surveyors are needed, and the number of days for the survey to take place. You will need to purchase a CARF manual directly from CARF. The cost of the manual varies, based on the type of accreditation you are seeking.
    In addition to CARF specific costs, you will need to have policies and procedures written that meet CARF standards and implement those standards, including several types of reporting systems. Accreditation Now saves both time and money in obtaining and maintaining CARF accreditation.

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